Resources for District and Global Grants
This page has links to Manuals and other general information about District and Global Grants including the spreadsheet that tells you how your Club allocated it's DDF to District and Global Grants.
- Important Dates
04/30/24 - 2024-25 DDF Spending Plans and MOU's due
07/01/24 - 2024-25 District Grant apps & MaxTheMatch purchases accepted
10/31/24 - Final Reports for 2023-24 District Grants deadline
" - Applications for 2024-25 District Grants deadline
- 2024-25 President-Elect Forms
2024-25 PE Grants Forms Website
2024-25 Club Qualification MOU
2024-24 DDF Spending Plan
2024-25 Sample DDF Spending Plan
Instructions for entering Goals & Chairs (New!)
- Manuals and General Information
Where DDF Comes From - A Graphic
A Glossary of Common Rotary Grants Terminology (10/24)
District 5170 Grants Manual (Revised 2014)
Donating Global DDF to TRF Funds (DG and DRFC only)
- Fundraising and Grants Management Training
District Assembly Presentation (04/14/2018)
TRF Video: Doing Good
TRF Video: What is Sustainability?
TRF Video: Nigeria: One Year Milestone - 2015
TRF Video: Rotary Smile