What a month! Virtual Far West PETS began the month with training for all the presidents-elect in eight Rotary districts. They were given valuable information on how to lead their clubs, by increasing our ability to adapt, expanding our reach, enhancing participation and engagement and increasing our impact. The were also inspired by amongst others, RI President Elect Shekhar, RI President Nominee Jennifer Jones and our district’s own, Past RI President Richard D. King. What a great event! They even got a lesson in what to do when technology doesn’t work (although it wasn’t planned).
All the area speech contests were completed. There are some very talented students who will soon be moving on to the regional competition. The Speech Contest Finals will be held on April 24th in conjunction with the District Training Assembly. Join in, support the speakers and be inspired.
We just learned that, unfortunately, the Youth Exchange Program has been suspended for next year (2021-22). For the second year, we will not be able to participate in the great program that build international friendships and understanding.
The latest reports on Foundation Giving show District 5170 to be leading both Zones 26 & 27 in Total Giving and is ranked #6 in the world in Total Giving. We are also second in the zones for PolioPlus contributions. I am so proud of all the effort the clubs are doing in this area. With all that has been going on this past year, our Rotarians are still giving unbelievable support to the foundation. Don’t forget about the Every Rotarian Every Year contest drawing in June. Your club could earn $2,500 in DDF. If you haven’t already given, I encourage you to do so. Thanks for all the support!
On the spending side, several additional international grants have been approved. As always, we remain very committed to international projects. PDG Orrin Mahoney has visited more than half of the clubs to talk about the great work of the foundation.
Our District supports the Rotary Peace Fellowship program which qualifies us once again as a Global Peacebuilder District.
As of March 23, the last update, there have been only four wild polio cases reported this year. That is great news but we must continue the fight until polio is completely eradicated. See the article by Jim Bell for more about the polio efforts.
The District Conference date has been changed. We moved it to July 17th at Gilroy Gardens. We are hoping that this can still be done in person. It is an excellent location (All outdoors) for in person events and by moving the date we increase our chances of gathering together. Mark your calendar for this fun event. More information will be coming out soon.
April is Maternal and Child Health Month. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 830 women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. 99% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries where nearly half of all mothers and newborns do not receive care during and after birth. The leading causes of death for children under 5 are birth complications, pneumonia, birth asphyxia, diarrhea and malaria. These deaths can be prevented and treated with access to healthcare services. Healthcare before, during and after childbirth can save the lives of women and newborn babies.
Rotary members are working diligently towards this goal through projects that provide education, immunizations, birth kits, mobile health clinics, and much more. Women are taught how to prevent mother-to-infant HIV transmission, how to breast-feed, and how to protect themselves and their children from disease.
Wherever Rotary exists, lives get better!!!
Looking ahead
- The Rotary International Convention is scheduled for June 12-16, and will be a virtual event again this year.
- The District Training Assembly will be spread over six days starting on April 24th and ending May 6th. We have a great speaker to start off the event in addition to 15 training sessions over the six days of the event. Sign up now at http://events.rotarydistrict5170.org/
- The District Book Club upcoming meetings are March 31st and April 28th
- There are several additional training seminars you might like to attend. On May 11, there will be training on ClubRunner provided by the company trainers. May 15 is the Public Image Seminar. We will be having a Membership Workshop on May 22nd to get the club membership chairs ready for their year. And on June 5th The Rotary Foundation Seminar will get the clubs off to a fast start.
Thanks for all you do and for being Rotarians. Keep up the great work and stay healthy.