District Newsletter

August 2023 

District Governor Hung’s August Reflection
Dear fellow Rotarians and friends,
Here is the latest update from D5000 Governor Mark (Merriam):
“Good morning, friends. The outpouring of support from Rotarians around the world is phenomenal.  Rotary is on Maui helping at shelters, finding housing, moving supplies, and more. We approved $50K for gas cards ($100x500). It has been a full week since the disaster and the power of Rotary is real.  I appreciate your sincere love, care, and concern.”
Our Rotary International President Gordon Mclnally calls upon Rotary to be known as an organization that takes care of its members.  Together, let us support our Rotarians in Maui to rebuild their communities in the months and years to come.  Contributions can be made directly to D5000 Foundation Maui Fires Relief Fund via out District website at www.rotarydistrict5170.org
Your District is your best cheerleader but also offers opportunities to learn and events to have fun together! Check your calendar to attend the following District events – flyers  are attached.
Thursday 9/7 “Thirsty Thursday” District Fellowship-Leadership Meeting from 5pm-7pm in Pleasanton – carpooling is highly recommended.  Last day to register today, Monday 9/4
Saturday 9/9 Rotary Night at A.C.T.’s Toni Rembe Theater in San Francisco: The Hippest Trip at 8pm (20% Discount, discount code ROTARY) with Special Rotary Pre-Show Reception at 6:30pm
Saturday 9/30 Avenues of Service from 8:30am to 1:30pm at  
West Valley Community College in Saratoga – learn, explore, exchange ideas and have fellowship fun together.  All Rotarians will benefit.  Please invite potential members to attend too.
Together, we serve, learn, and have fun as Happy & Life-Long Rotarians!
Hung Wei, District Governor 2023-2024
Past President and Member of the Rotary Club of Cupertino
Last Chance to Register for September 7 Fellowship-Leadership Meeting
Hippest Trip Rotary Night
Saturday, September 9, 2023
8:00 PM
Act's Toni Rembe Theater, San Francisco, CA
www.act-sf.org/soultrain- use code ROTARY to save 20% on Rotary Night
Avenues of Service - September 30
Notice of Application for District Governor 2026-2027
The future leadership of our District depends upon having the best candidates each year for nomination as District Governor.  This fall we will be nominating a Rotarian to be District Governor for the Rotary Year 2026-2027.  That person may be a member of your Club! 

The role of a District Governor is to lead, encourage, and equip other Rotarians in their leadership roles, and to provide inspiration and motivation to the clubs in the district. The District Governor Nominee Designate will train with Rotary International leaders, travel to Rotary International conventions, and as District Governor, visit with each one of the clubs in the District. This is an excellent opportunity for a member of your club to enrich his or her leadership skills; to encourage and be encouraged; to develop relationships with individuals throughout the District and throughout the world, and to exemplify the Rotary spirit of Service above Self.

Each Rotary club may nominate one member for District Governor Nominee Designate. The individual must be a District 5170 Rotarian in good standing, who has served a full year as club President. A nomination form and a biographical information sheet must be completed to nominate an individual in your club. The deadline for submitting the necessary application materials to be considered for nomination is Friday, October 20, 2023. Email admin@rotarydistrict5170.org for a copy of the nomination form and the biographical information sheet.
Interviews for nomination as District Governor Nominee Designate for 2026-27 will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2023, at a location to be announced. All nominations will be handled in accordance with the bylaws of Rotary International.
If you have any questions about the nomination process, please don’t hesitate to contact Nominating Committee Chair, PDG Tim Lundell, at 408-292-1717, or email tlundell@earthlink.net
District Governor Club Visits (Aug)
August 12 - Rotary Club of Los Altos
Club President Chuck Lindauer
August 14 - Rotary Club of Hollister
Club President Rich Marcus
August 15 - Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
Club President Sherri Simoni
August 15 - Rotary Club of Freedom
Club President Steve Bennett
August 16 - Rotary Club of Fremont Bridge
Club President Amer Murad
San Jose East/Evergreen Rotary's Curry Night
Friday, September 22, 2023
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
iGrill Restaurant, Santa Clara, CA
E-Club of Silicon Valley Health and Wellness Happiness Workshop for Seniors
District Wheelchair Distribution in Mexico in the Spring of 2024
Click HERE for donation form
Rotary Action Group - Mental Health Initiatives 
Upcoming Events
District Fellowship-Leadership Meeting
Vic's All Star Kitchen, Pleasanton
Sep 07, 2023
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Rotary Visioning Day
West Valley College, Saratoga
Sep 09, 2023
Avenues of Service
West Valley College, Saratoga
Sep 30, 2023
Interact Fall Leadership Conference
Independence High School
Oct 08, 2023 9:00 AM
View entire list
District Links
District 5170 Rotaract
District 5170 Interact
RotaCare Bay Area
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Zone 26/27 Information
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7