It is hard to believe that my year is about over, it seems like I just started.
I want to start by thanking all the clubs for the enormous effort this past year. The work of Rotary went on stronger than ever during these trying times. As the full effects of the pandemic began to be felt around the world, the Rotary Clubs in District 5170 geared up to help.
A big thank you to my leadership team. Working together, we were able to get communications out to the clubs and keep the District Programs on track. And thank you to all the Past District Governors who guided and mentored me to get me ready to be Governor and advised me during this past year.
Of course, a special thank you to Olivia Poe, our District Administrator, who held the district together during this challenging year and was a great resource for all the clubs and the leadership team.
Through the clubs, grants and fundraisers helped fund personal protective gear for first responders. Hospital staff, firefighters, police, and emergency medical responders were provided with vital supplies. There were programs to address food security, the needs of youth. Many areas took on the work getting internet service to underserved children so they could attend virtual classes.
The most disenfranchised in our district were also helped. Masks were distributed to the homeless in many areas. And if that was not enough, the clubs found ways to help distribute food and supplies to the needy in our communities. Many of these were done in partnerships with struggling businesses which helped keep the economies moving. In addition, there are hundreds of other projects taken on by the clubs to meet the needs in their communities.
And when the vaccines were finally available, clubs stepped in to help, by parking cars, doing paperwork or just being available to help get the greatest number of people be vaccinated in the shortest times possible.
On the international front, we raised a record amount for The Rotary Foundation share fund this year. And boy did we use it. The District Grants Committee was busy all year helping write grants and getting them approved. Dozens and dozens of grants were authorized meeting needs in literacy, water and sanitation, disease prevention and education around the world.
The world has seen unbelievably rapid change this year and Rotary has changed to keep up. When we could not do in person events, we moved to virtual. Virtual RYLA, Speech Contest, Avenues of Service, District Training Assembly, and we added Zoom to Learn sessions every month to help train our members.
And our clubs changed too. Getting speakers from around the world. Having joint meetings with clubs in other countries and the first five clubs working together to address homelessness would not have happened if not in response to our changing world.
I know it was not easy. Fundraisers disappeared, some of which may never return. But clubs found ways to fundraise. Some of the clubs are without a place to meet because the location they used is no longer in business, or not equipped to handle the clubs needs. Clubs will find a home. The traditional projects clubs have been doing may no longer be needed, but clubs will find new projects.
When I started my journey as Governor, I wanted the clubs to work on being flexible. This year, you showed how flexible you could be. I know none of us had the year we were expecting. Some may feel their clubs did not accomplish much or failed in some of the projects they were trying to do.
As you look back on your year, don’t worry about what didn’t get done. Celebrate all that you accomplished!!!
It is the members who made this year work and will make next year and all the future years work. Now more than ever, it is critical to MAKE MEMBERSHIP MEANINGFUL.
Looking ahead
District Conference and
Roast and Toast will be on July 17th
at Gilroy Gardens. It is an excellent location (All outdoors) for in person events and such a pretty spot. Sign up on the District Conference site to help celebrate our great year.
July 1st is the start of Richard Flanders’ year as District Governor and I know he will do great because we have such a great District.
I am so very proud of all the work we have done this year.
Thanks for all you do and for being Rotarians. Keep up the great work and stay healthy.