Speech Contest

September 2024
Debi and Mark are back for another year given our passion for youth and especially the Richard D. King Annual Youth Speech Contest.
The goals for this year continue to be the same since we have had the honor to lead the District Youth Speech Contest (DYSC) Committee:
- Achieve 100% club participation.
- Establish a self-sustaining model for funding leadership prize awards for the participants.
We are requesting the help of every Club and Area in achieving the two goals:
Achieve 100% club participation.
With the passing of Rick King, we believe that one of the best ways to honor him would be the "participation" of every club in the district. This could take the form of any (or all) of the following:
- Conduct a Club contest
- Partner with another club to conduct a contest
- Sponsor the Area contest or Southern/Northern Regional contest
- Participate in the DYSC Sponsorship Program (In fact a $25 sponsor level has been added to enable all clubs and D5170 Rotarians to participate.)
Establish a self-sustaining model for funding leadership prize awards for the participants.
The DYSC Sponsorship Program has begun to accumulate funds in a restricted account in the D5170 Charitable Foundation. This enables the commitment to higher prize levels at the beginning of the Rotary year, prior to the collection of sponsor funds for that year. As "excess" funds are collected, budgets will be proposed to provide more support for leadership prizes, as well as support for clubs that have not been able to fund their own contests in the past.
Club Presidents and Youth Service Chairs have received a request for their Club Speech Contest information to which they must respond to participate. (CLICK HERE to submit Club Contest information.) Finally, with regards to the Area and Regional Contests, we are working with the Areas and Clubs to finalize the plans and the information will be updated in Key Dates.
There are three changes that are important to note (CLICK HERE for more details):
- The theme of the contest will be the Rotary Motto, Service Above Self.
- With the District now having 12 Areas, the Area Level contests will consist of "joint" Area contests, which will be organized to balance the number of clubs participating.
- The minimum Club Prizes this year are $150 for first, $75 for second, and $25 for all other participants. (CLICK HERE for more information about the cash prizes.)
Debi and Mark
Debi Pavlecic-Bischoff, DYSC Chair
Mark Linsky, DYSC, Vice Chair

District 5170 Speech Contest Committee
Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors